Monday, August 11, 2014

Spreading Her Wings - to others!

We have been blessed with so much kindness, so many gifts and heartfelt words of encouragement through Ania's cancer in this past year. Now that Ania's cancer journey is thankfully getting closer to the end, we have been working hard at trying to teach Ania to give back. She loves giving gifts to people but what we have been working on in the last few weeks has brought so much joy to Ania, our family and most importantly to others- other kids going through cancer more specifically.
See, Ania wears her beautiful wings to all her chemotherapy treatments. She likes the way they make her feel - like she can fly and how they float along behind her is just magical to her. We watch her, in awe of her beauty and grace as she soars through her treatments - every bit the " dainty warrior" that she has come to be known as. She doesn't even really comprehend the symbolism she portrays as she floats down hospital cooridoors, attached to her IV pole. She has flown through cancer! It's beautiful, moving and incredibly powerful. 
Flying down hospital hallways... 

Over the last few months we have been quietly spreading that powerful symbol of hope to other children. Ania has been handing out wings to other children while we stay in the hospital for treatments. She's been sending wings in care packages that include copies of her artwork and drawings she has done for each child. She hand picks which pair of wings she'd like to give a child after she has met them or seen their photograph. The remarkable thing is, when we've seen another child put on the wings or when we get a photograph back of another warrior wearing wings, they all have the same transformation- FREEDOM. Freedom to fly and just be regular kids! It's simply magical. Just Watch-

Sweet Kalina! 
Go Nolan!
Angel wings- for little Angel Aeriynn!
A peaceful little Peacock- Violet Brielle

Little Lilly gets her wings while she and Ania both had treatments
Hospital butterfly buddies! Ania & dear Makayla 

Those are just a few examples and there are more being sent out each week! Ania loves putting together her care packages of wings, copies of her paintings and drawings for each little warrior!
A drawing she did today of her and another retinoblastoma warrior named Ashlyn- just two tough girls who have flown through cancer! 

Ania has been very fortunate thanks to the sales of her artwork prints and GoFundMe donations. Sending out wings and artwork to some other amazing children is the least we can do for now to show gratitude. We hope to continue to do this small but impactful gesture. We are working on figuring out a way to continue to do this for children all over the world! We are working on a donation or sponsorship website where people can nominate other little cancer warriors to receive wings from Ania. Ania loves seeing photographs and hearing the stories of other children like her. For now, please to send childhood cancer stories to us via email- or the Dainty Warrior Facebook page. Ania and I will select 3 kids a month to send wings and artwork to. If you would like to donate to the cause, feel free to donate to Ania's GoFundMe Page or purchase artwork from her Dainty Warrior Etsy Shop and notify us of your intention to sponsor this emerging project :) 

Stay tuned for website details and more stories of other warriors taking flight! Ania has inspired this project through her spirit and strength- let's see how far her wings can take this idea! 

God Bless,



  1. This is great! Where do the wings come from is there a way to donate wings?

    1. Send me an email at daintywarriors@gmail.come and we can work out a way to donate :)
